

These Signs Show Student Marchers Were More Obnoxious Than Informed

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Demonstrators flooded the streets of Washington, D.C., Saturday following a recent spate of school shootings with signs opposing everything from the Second Amendment to the National Rifle Association to the millions of Americans who own guns.

Activists carried poster boards at March For Our Lives rallies across the country suggesting lawmakers ban guns like they “ban boobs.” Activists were also distraught that guns supposedly have more rights than their uteruses. The rallies come after a Feb. 14 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School that killed 17 people.

“Guns shouldn’t have more rights than my uterus,” another activist wearing a “Fuck Trump” pin scrawled on a white piece of paper, while another demonstrator held up a sign lamenting what she believes is the U.S.’ lack of background checks: “My Muslim uncle gets more background checks than a gun.”

Others preferred to take their anger out on the NRA and gun owners. “There’s no such thing as a good guy with a gun,” one rally-goer at the Washington, D.C., march wrote on a sign. The D.C. rally comes less than a week after a school resource officer used a gun to stop a potential school shooter at a high school in St. Mary’s County, Md.

Survivors of mass shootings, including the one in Florida, rallied a whooping crowd at the D.C. crowd — “Welcome to the revolution,” said one student organizer, who also groused about how gun violence disproportionately affect black communities.

Via DailyCaller

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