

The Left Goes Into Pure PANIC Mode As John Bolton Takes The Lead As National Security Advisor

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President Trump’s choice of John Bolton as his third national security adviser at the White House has predictably sparked dramatic reactions, especially among liberals.

A former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Bolton is replacing H.R. McMaster and his reputation is preceding him, as critics worry about his advocating the use of military force against North Korea and Iran.

While most Republicans welcomed the news that Bolton would be joining the Trump administration, Democrats raised concerns about the man who served in the Republican administrations of former presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders declared that Bolton is “absolutely the wrong person” for coordinating national security issues for the president.

“Ambassador Bolton’s stated positions on today’s major issues, most notably North Korea’s and Iran’s nuclear programs, are overly aggressive at best and downright dangerous at worst,” Sen. Chris Coons, a Democrat from Delaware, said.

Republican lawmakers welcomed the choice of Bolton, a recognizable Fox News contributor with his signature mustache.

But there was no consoling liberals who only saw doom and gloom in the new appointment.

New York Sen. Chuck Schumer found Bolton’s tendencies “troubling.”

Minnesota Rep. Betty McCollum called Bolton “a discredited architect of the Iraq War,” echoing concerns of others on the left who have accused him of manipulating intelligence leading up to the Iraq War.

The mainstream media joined the panic over the “hawkish neoconservative,” as CNN and others referred to Bolton, while the liberal anxiety continued on Twitter where the announcement of Bolton’s new job was trending Thursday.

Via BizPAC

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