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Whoopi Goldberg Just Got Her A** Handed To Her By A Parkland Shooting Survivor For Pushing The Liberal Left’s ‘False Agenda’

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The left has mounted an all-out rhetorical assault against the Second Amendment and those who defend it — namely, the National Rifle Association, Republican politicians and gun owners – since the Parkland Shooting one month ago. One survivor recently blew up on Whoopi Goldberg, co-host of The View, for pushing the liberal narrative that “no one was pointing fingers at the NRA.”

From Conservative Tribune:

The topic of the anti-gun school walkouts came up for discussion Wednesday on ABC’s “The View,” and co-host Whoopi Goldberg actually asserted that the protests weren’t “political” at all.

“No one is pointing fingers at the NRA. This is not about the NRA,” she said, prompting a heated debate pitting Goldberg and the rest of the panel against lone conservative co-host Meghan McCain, who sided with pro-Second Amendment students like Parkland’s Kyle Kashuv, according to NewsBusters.

Kashuv, who has been making the rounds in the media as well as on Capitol Hill to push for reasonable solutions to prevent school shootings that don’t involve gun control, responded by calling out Goldberg for pushing the “false narrative” that the walkout protests weren’t political and had nothing to do with the NRA.

I am pretty excited that @WhoopiGoldberg knows who I am, but even more excited that American Patriot @MeghanMcCain doesn’t let her push a false narrative about me.

But hey, the GREAT Whoopi knows my name!!!!!

— Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) March 15, 2018

He then lowered the boom on her, insinuating that she must have been “living under a rock” for the past month if she wasn’t aware that the NRA had been vilified by the anti-gun students and media following the shooting.

.@WhoopiGoldberg you said on @TheView “No one is pointing fingers at the NRA. This is not about the @NRA,” I guess you have been living under a rock?

— Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) March 15, 2018

But Kashuv wasn’t done yet.

He hit back at Goldberg’s assertion that the students were marching in protest because “no one is doing anything” to stop school shootings, noting that the people who are accused of having “blood” on their hands are the ones who are actually working to find solutions, like Florida GOP Sen. Marco Rubio.

.@WhoopiGoldberg “Kids are marching outside because they feel like they are being cut down and no one is doing anything,”

Funny how the people doing something are the ones they said have “blood on” their hands. For example, @marcorubio

— Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) March 15, 2018

It’s no shock that a majority of the co-hosts on “The View” stand with the anti-gun students, and it is equally unsurprising that they would seek to provide cover for them in the media, as their vehement opposition to the NRA and Second Amendment hasn’t been playing as well with middle America as it does with the liberal coastal elitists.

In fact, this flat-out set of lies from Goldberg — that the student marches weren’t political and had nothing to do with the NRA — is really just par for the course for a failing mid-day program that simply can’t seem to stop itself from crossing the line of decency and angering at least half the country with its snarky liberal rhetoric.

This is the same crew that recently mocked Vice President Mike Pence for his Christian faith, and by extension mocked Christians all across the country.

This is also the program that has literally cheered bad news that could lead to the impeachment of President Donald Trump, and only grudgingly shares news that reflects well on the administration or its policies.

Whoopi Goldberg deserved to be called out and smacked down for her blatant lies in defense of the incredibly politicized, anti-NRA, pro-gun control student marches, and it’s just icing on the cake that it was one of the Parkland students who did it.


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