

Trump Roasts Protester After Having THIS Thrown at Him During CPAC Speech

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President Donald Trump spoke to an enthusiastic audience of young conservatives Friday morning at CPAC, and minutes into his speech, he was heckled by a man who yelled about Russia and threw Russian flags.

Security immediately surrounded and escorted the protester out of the room.

Trump was not deterred, savaging the protester and the media in form. As the audience booed the protester, Trump said “How did he get in here, Matt?” referring to CPAC chairman Matt Schlapp.

Just for the media, the fake news back there, they took very good care of him. They were very gentle. He was very obnoxious. It was only one person. So we have thousands of people here. So listen, tomorrow, the headline will be a “Protesters that disturb –” It was one person, folks. It doesn’t deserve a mention. Doesn’t deserve a headline. One person, he was very nice.

We looked at him, he immediately left,” POTUS continued, “Okay?”

The crowd erupted in laughter and applause.

“He will say something, nobody hears them,” Trump continued. “And then the crowd will start screaming at him, and then all of a sudden, we stopped, and that’s okay. You have to show your spirit, right? You have to show your spirit.”


Via DailyCaller

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