

Christian Bashing On ‘The View’ May Cost ABC The Ultimate Price

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Will “anti-Christian remarks” be the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back, prompting ABC to finally reel in the unhinged liberal ladies on “The View?”

The network is being inundated with calls over a segment last week that compared Christianity to mental illness while mocking Vice President Mike Pence’s faith.

The controversy centers on the reaction to a clip from “Celebrity Big Brother,” where fired White House staffer Omarosa Manigault Newman trashed Pence as an “extreme Christian,” saying he “thinks Jesus tells him to say things.”

Co-host Sunny Hostin found the comment “interesting,” saying she knows firsthand that Pence is a “hated figure” in Indiana.

The self-proclaimed “faithful” Catholic said it’s “dangerous” that he puts a “religious veneer on things,” adding she doesn’t want her vice president “speaking in tongues.”

“It’s one thing to talk to Jesus,” Behar chimed in. “It’s another thing when Jesus talks to you. That’s called mental illness if I’m not correct. That’s hearing voices.”

The discussion being a clear attack on those who value a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

The hateful comments prompted Media Research Center President Brent Bozell to publish an open letter to ABC, calling for an apology for the “anti-Christian remarks.”

“These characterizations of the Vice President’s faith are insulting not just to him, but to all Christians,” Bozell wrote.

Vice President Pence pushed back during an interview with Axios, saying that “it’s an insult not to me, but to the vast majority of the American people who, like me, cherish their faith.”

“I actually heard that ABC has a program that compared my Christianity to mental illness,” Pence said. “And I’d like to laugh about it, but I really can’t.”

“To have ABC maintain a broadcast forum that compares Christianity to mental illness is just wrong,” he said in earnest.

Pence appeared Monday on “Fox & Friends” to again stand up for his faith, which he said is an important part of his life.

“Those of us in public life are pretty accustomed to criticism, but when I heard that ABC had a program that likened my Christianity to mental illness, I just couldn’t be silent,” Pence said.

“People of all different faith traditions, they cherish their faith in God,” he added. “And to have ABC have a forum that spoke in such demeaning terms, I think it’s evidence of how out of touch some in the mainstream media are with the faith and values of the American people.”

ABC News has received more than 25,000 calls in the aftermath of Pence’s reaction and Bozell’s letter, according to Fox News. Media Research Center has also “reached out to at least five advertisers” of the liberal daytime talk show.

If not apology is forthcoming, as requested, Bozell said his media watchdog group will target advertisers.

“If there is no apology, we will contact the advertisers of The View, and ask MRC’s millions of grassroots activists to do the same,” he said in his letter. “I am sure the advertisers of The View will be just as appalled as I am about the anti-Christian remarks made on the show.”

The irony in all of this is that Oprah Winfrey, who is revered by the ladies on “The View,” said last week she isn’t running for president because God hasn’t told her to.

“Because if God actually wanted me to run wouldn’t God kinda tell me? And I haven’t heard that,” Winfrey said.

Via BizPAC

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