
Liberals In Full Spin As They Compare What Pence Just Did To This Controversial Liberal Movement

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Vice President Mike Pence stirred controversy at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea by refusing to stand.

It appeared to be a silent protest of North Korea’s oppressive regime, which had sent athletes to Pyeongchang to participate in the games.

While seated between South Korean President Moon Jae-in and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Pence sat stone-faced as the North Korean athletes were introduced.

Kim Yo Jong, the sister of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, stood behind Pence, looking every bit the sinister sister that she is.

Pence and his wife Karen appeared to be the only two officials in the press box not to stand for the North Korean athletes. They also reportedly declined to go to an Olympic Dinner attended by North Korean officials.

The inevitable idiocy of the Internet being as it is, the comparisons to Colin Kaepernick’s anti-national anthem protests, based on a false narrative of police racial violence, spread like wildfire. Fortunately, conservative millennial Allie Beth Stuckey was there with apt rejoinders.

Stuckey wasn’t going to let the narrative fly.

She wasn’t done yet, lest it get all twisted.

When confronted with this reality, the leftist retort was to latch onto a false narrative.

This is how it’s done: Don’t concede the strawman argument.

And… here comes the name-calling.

You can read the full back and forth conversation here. Spoiler, the liberal loses his mind and makes a fool of himself while Stuckey keeps her cool and effectively proves her point with reason.

Is there any valid comparison between Mike Pence protesting the inhumane treatment of North Korea to Colin Kaepernick protesting police violence in the United States?

Via BizPAC

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