

Furious FBI Declares VENDETTA On Trump – “We’re Taking Down Trump And All His Allies”

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CNN analyst Philip Mudd, a former employee of the embattled FBI, threatened a sitting United States president during an unhinged rant on live TV.

“The FBI people are ticked,” Mudd bellowed on CNN. “If you think you can push us off this because you can intimidate the director, you’d better think again! You’ve been around for 13 months. We’ve been around since 1908. I know how this game is going to be played! We’re going to win.”

With his shocking on-air threat, Mudd inadvertently confirmed conspiracy theories about the existence of a Deep State cabal trying to overthrow a duly elected president. It’s unclear how good an FBI employee Mudd once was since he’s obviously terrible at keeping secrets.

President Trump echoed the sentiments of millions of Americans after the damning FISA memo was released. The memo suggested that the Obama FBI and CIA were weaponized against the Trump campaign because top agency officials desperately wanted Hillary Clinton to be president.

“The FBI became a tool of anti-Trump political actors,” President Trump tweeted, quoting a Wall Street Journal article. “This is unacceptable in a democracy and ought to alarm anyone who wants the FBI to be a nonpartisan enforcer of the law.”

Philip Mudd became unglued shortly after the House Intelligence Committee released the FISA memo detailing the widespread surveillance abuses allegedly committed by the Obama FBI and CIA to illegally spy on former Trump campaign officials.

It’s not surprising that Mudd is so worked-up about President Trump’s criticism of Robert Mueller’s bogus Russia investigation. In 2005, Mueller (who was FBI director under Obama and George W. Bush) appointed Mudd deputy director of the FBI’s National Security Branch.

Mudd falsely claimed that Trump is impugning the entire FBI when the president has repeatedly said his issue is only with the top-level officials  — most of whom are Obama holdovers — who were caught red-handed making anti-Trump statements and trying to influence the 2016 election in Hillary’s favor.

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page

President Trump has repeatedly praised the rank-and-file members of the FBI and CIA, who are not involved in this cloak-and-dagger thuggery.

Twitter reacted to Mudd’s harangue by saying his remarks confirmed widespread speculation that an anti-Trump Deep State is working to thwart the will of the people by sabotaging a duly elected president.

Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent, called Mudd’s threats “the most disturbing piece of video you’ll see all day.”

Daily Wire writer Ryan Saavedra noted: “Phil Mudd goes on CNN to attack Trump, ends up giving credence to nearly every deep state conspiracy theory in existence.”

Other Twitter users had the same reaction: Robert Mueller’s FBI appointee Philip Mudd just confirmed that the Deep State and an anti-Trump “secret society” lives.

Mudd has made similar unhinged rants in the past. In August 2017, Mudd vowed that “the government is going to kill” President Trump. Hello, Secret Service?

Via BizPAC

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