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Chelsea Clinton Just Got Caught Up in The Hollywood Sex Scandal – This is BAD NEWS For The Clintons

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Over the past week, numerous rape and sexual assault allegations have surfaced against Hollywood mogul and top Democrat donor Harvey Weinstein. This has been very bad for the Clinton family, as Weinstein is a close personal friend of there’s and was a major donor to both Bill and Hillary.

Now, Chelsea Clinton has found herself embroiled in this scandal.

From Conservative Post:

Daily Mail reported that Chelsea was caught on camera fleeing her car on Saturday as a reporter asked her about whether the Clinton Foundation will return up to $250,000 in donations from accused rapist Harvey Weinstein. Chelsea, who is a board member at the Clinton Foundation, ran from the questions while she was attending a Clinton Global Initiative University event at Northeastern University in Boston.

This came one day after press officials blocked a reporter attempting to approach Bill Clinton to ask him questions at a public event. Bill and his daughter were both at Northeastern University to chair the Clinton Global Initiative University’s annual student conference.

Though Hillary said earlier in the week that she will be donating Weinstein’s donations to her to charity, the Clinton Foundation has refused to comment on what it will be doing with Weinstein’s donations.

“Chelsea, will the foundation give back the donations from Harvey Weinstein?” the reporter asked Chelsea. “Do you plan to return the $100,000?”

Chelsea looked straight ahead and ignored the questions.

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