
Trump Signs An Executive Order That Will Help Our Veterans SURVIVE And Succeed After Their Service

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President Trump is making good on a campaign promise many Americans have been waiting for, proving that taking care of our nation’s veterans is one of his top priorities. In fact, outside of immigration, taking care of our nation’s veterans was one of Trump’s biggest initiatives.

The first year after leaving the armed forces is an extremely risky time for our veterans, and it is critical that they get the care and support they need and deserve. Around 20 veterans commit suicide every day, and right now at least 60% of veterans do not have access to mental health coverage. This is completely unacceptable, and the law Trump just signed into law will make a huge difference.

The Washington Examiner reported:

President Trump signed into law a bill providing over $2 billion to open new Veterans Affairs department medical facilities and fund care for veterans seeking medical care outside the government system on Saturday.

“This bill will ensure that veterans continue to have the ability to see the doctor of their choice,” Trump said during a press conference at the bill’s signing. “You’re going to have immediate medical care for our veterans.”

The legislation, which passed the House unanimously, provides funding for veterans who seek treatment from a private doctor in certain cases. It also allows the Veterans Affairs department to lease 28 new facilities around the country, in an attempt to expand access to government-provided care. That makes it a compromise in the larger debate between conservative and liberal proponents of VA reform.

 The reason this executive order matters so much if because it directs the Defense, Homeland Security, as well as Veterans Affairs secretaries to work on creating a strategy within 60 days to create “seamless access” for United States veterans. This gives them a year’s worth of coverage for any kind of mental health treatment as well as suicide prevention resources, which we so desperately need in our country.

It’s wonderful to finally have a president in office who truly cares about the well-being of our armed forces.

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