
Chelsea Clinton Puts Foot In Mouth Speaking Out On Trump’s ‘Sh**hole’ Comment – Then America Sets The Record Straight!

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There are some moments when it’s better to keep quiet. For Chelsea Clinton, this is one of those moments. The daughter of former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took a shot at President Trump on Thursday evening for reportedly calling Haiti and African nations “s**thole countries.”

Clinton’s comment on the matter was quickly met with criticism from those who recalled the Clinton Foundation’s questionable role in Haiti’s recovery following the devastating 2010 earthquake.

Following the 2010 earthquake, the Clinton State Department funneled billions of dollars to rebuild Haiti. At the same time, Secretary Clinton’s brother, Tony Rodham, and high-profile Clinton Foundation donors won lucrative contracts that siphoned massive profits from the impoverished island nation.

Bill Clinton was co-chairman of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission. Under his watch, 9 percent of foreign aid cash went to the Haitian government, and only 0.6 percent went to local organizations.

The Clintons’ involvement in Haiti has been a regular source of frustration among the Haitian community. Haitians in the US have organized repeated protests outside the Clinton Foundation’s offices in Manhattan.

President Trump denied using the term “s**thole” during the DACA meeting.

The president clarified that he only described Haiti as a “poor and troubled country.”

Despite Chelsea Clinton would like to believe, Haiti is a “poor and troubled country”–thanks, in part, to her parents.

Via BizPAC

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