
Roy Moore Just Made a Direct Threat to The State of Alabama After They REFUSED To Conduct an Election Recount

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Roy Moore has refused to concede to Doug Jones in the Alabama senate race, and was pressing hard for a recount, despite not receiving the numbers to warrant one. Instead, Alabama has ignored his request, and has certified Doug Jones the winner of the election.

Now, Moore is threatening “severe consequences.”

From Conservative Post:

Just before Gov. Kay Ivey and Secretary of State John Merrill met to certify Jones’ win, Moore’s campaign spokeswoman, Janet Porter, told CNN:

“Here’s the thing that Gov. Ivey needs to know: She’s up for reelection too and there are 650,000 people who are watching this very closely, what they do right now. 

“If they certify what has been proven by three independent experts that say this is fraudulent enough to overturn this entire election, they are going to be accountable at the voting booth.”

Ivey and Merrill brushed off Moore’s threat and certified Jones.

Moore came off looking desperate, but his warning is likely to prove accurate, given that Alabama is a deeply red state.

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