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White House Christmas SHAKEUP: A Top Trump Aid Just Made A MAJOR Announcement

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Another one of President Trump’s top aides has announced he will be stepping down early next year.

White House deputy chief of staff, Rick Dearborn, will be leaving his position early in the new year to return to the private sector, The Wall Street Journal reported.

“Rick loyally served the president for two and a half years and brought tremendous energy to the White House staff,“ White House Chief of Staff John Kelly said. ”He’s a super guy and it breaks my heart to see him leave, but I look forward to his continued personal friendship and support for the president’s agenda.”

In his role, Dearborn managed the White House’s political operation, public outreach, and legislative affairs. He had worked for Trump for more than two years, as executive director of the presidential transition team following the election and helping in setting up the Washington office for the campaign.

Sources told the Wall Street Journal that Dearborn, who plans to remain in his position until January or February, felt the successful passing of the tax plan would be a fitting finale to his tenure. Kelly apparently “made a pitch” to get Dearborn to stay on Wednesday, according to the Journal.

(Photo by Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

The White House may be facing other departures in the new year, as Dina Powell, the deputy national security adviser, reportedly informed Trump earlier this month that she will also be stepping down.

Dearborn was a longtime Senate aide before joining the Trump team, working for former Sen. Bob Kasten of Wisconsin and as chief of staff for then-Sen. Jeff Sessions.

“Rick has been a real stalwart,” Gary Cohn, White House chief economic adviser, told the Journal. “I’ve really relied on him as part of the tax team, and he’s filled in a bunch of different jobs around here. He’s been a grown-up in the room.”

Via BizPAC

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