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Think That the #MeToo Movement is B.S.? This Rape Survivor Agrees – And Explains Why

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A rape survivor shared some harsh realities regarding everything that is wrong with the #MeToo movement, and they are worth reading.

From Conservative Tribune:

…Commentator D.C. McAllister discussed her own sexual assault, and explained how the #MeToo movement could easily destroy trust between men and women.

First and foremost, McAllister does not defend rape in any form. She explains in detail how devastating and painful rape is from her own account.

Her point is more about the underlying problems stemming from the #MeToo movement, which have negative consequences for both men and women.

She argues that problems arise when accusations are “immediately taken as fact.”

Problems worsen when the “definitions of sexual assault and harassment have broaden to include even benign, natural interactions between men and women.”

While McAllister wants men who are guilty of sexual crimes to be held accountable, she also sees the danger of “indicting all men as a potential threat that women must fear.”

She has a point.

With all of the attention sexual harassment and impropriety are receiving, it is easy to see how relations between men and women in even normal environments can quickly become unbalanced, strained and rickety.

To put it bluntly, it is difficult to build trust with doubt and suspicion lurking everywhere.

“We’re not building a stronger society; we’re demolishing it,” McAllister wrote.

McAllister explained that the thing to do is bring a balance into conversations about male and female sexuality.

We can support victims of rape without casting every man as a sexual predator, McAllister wrote.

Read the full article by clicking the link above. Do you think that the #MeToo movement is a positive or negative thing for women (and men) who have been assaulted? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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