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President Trump Puts Obama To SHAME After He Does This Humble Act Obama REFUSED To Do

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After President Donald Trump’s planned trip to Camp David was canceled due to bad weather, he didn’t sulk or go to Hawaii for a golf trip. No, President Trump spent a moment to contemplate what matters to him and then he did something truly humble.

In fact, President Trump did something that Barak Obama had REFUSED to do during his eight years as President. President Trump decided to pay respect to the men and women that keep Marine One an honorable vessel and who dedicate their lives to protecting the President.


“Your incredible care really, its a care for the office of the Presidency, of myself and my family,” President Trump praised. He then made this heartfelt pledge, “My pledge to you is that I will have your back, just as you will always, and have always, had mine.”

Wow, incredible. No wonder our service members LOVE President Trump.

You’ll remember that Obama NEVER showed this kind of care and admiration for the men and women protecting his leathery spineless back. Such as when Obama couldn’t be bothered to put down a simple coffee to show respect to his Marines.

Keep up the great example President Trump! It’s refreshing that you are a man that practices his principles.


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