
How Illegal Immigration Is Feeding The Sexual Assault Epidemic

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It’s obvious that illegal immigration hurts America and can have a negative impact on American citizens. Some lose out on jobs, and others are victims of violent crimes by convicts sheltered by sanctuary cities (like the woman who was recently attacked by a serial rapist and border jumper)  The thing liberals need to realize that illegal immigrants are not necessarily helped by hopping the fence either. Illegal immigration is actually fueling the sexual assault crisis:

Hot Air reports:

These may sound like two topics which have very little in common, but only a cursory examination should inform us that the ongoing sexual harassment and sexual assault conflagration is closely tied to and in some ways driven by illegal immigration.

Their options for reporting their assailants are even more limited than most victims because the perpetrators not only control their careers but can hold the threat of deportation over their heads.

The other challenges facing these women are daunting. Lawyers don’t want to take them on as clients because they generally have little or no money to pay them up front and they will likely never get paid if their client is shipped out of the country. Living in the shadows of society, the victims also may be less familiar with their legal options to begin with, and poor or missing English language skills compound the problem further.

These women wouldn’t be in such a perilous predicament if we didn’t still have so many American employers knowingly hiring illegal aliens without fear of serious reprisal.

Illegal immigration isn’t just a threat to national security and a persistent, open wound in the rule of law. It’s also feeding a pipeline of potential victims into the waiting arms of serial sexual abusers. And if you’re the type of person with so little respect for our nation’s laws that you would regularly hire illegals, is it such a stretch of the imagination to think that you’d be willing to turn some of them into your personal sex slaves as a bonus?

We need additional resources applied to the illegal immigration problem and it’s a subject which both parties would be able to agree to in any sane version of reality. But it’s not just for the usual reasons we cite when railing against open borders and the flood of illegal aliens. It’s becoming increasingly clear that our failure to keep women in particular from jumping the border is setting them up for a horrible outcome, quite the opposite of what they were undoubtedly hoping for when they made the decision to come here. Immigrants who enter the country legally and work toward citizenship can avail themselves of the full spectrum of law enforcement protection. Illegal aliens can’t. You’re not doing them any favors by encouraging them to settle or stay here.

Exactly. Whether you care about immigrants more than American citizens is your prerogative, but stop acting like some saint and realize that you’re not doing anyone any favors here.

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