
Dems Tell The Truth About The Clintons, And Then Turn And Run, Tail Between Their Legs

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Democrats are afraid to stand up to Bill and Hillary Clinton. Any statements that get at the truth and expose the scandal and corruption are quickly covered up by the liberal media. Or those who made the statements seem terrified when asked about them later.

Two Democratic senators—both women, both eyed as likely 2020 presidential candidates—made strong statements recently that appeared to send an important message to the party: The time of the Clintons is over.

And just as quickly, Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D., N.Y.) ran so far away from those statements that it sent another message: We’re terrified of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

First, Warren, the Wall Street warrior who can’t say three sentences without some cliché about “fighting,” agreed with former Democratic National Committee interim chair Donna Brazile’s contention that the 2016 primary was “rigged” for Hillary Clinton.

Warren bluntly said, “Yes,” when CNN host Jake Tapper asked her Nov. 2 if she agreed with Brazile’s mournful book declaring the primary was “rigged.”

But around the same time, Brazile began bizarrely claiming she never used the word “rigged” in her book—she did—and insisting that it was indeed a fair fight between Clinton and Bernie Sanders—she wrote it wasn’t.

Warren melted.

“While there was some bias at the DNC, the overall 2016 primary process was fair and Hillary made history,” she toldMassLive Nov. 9.

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What is puzzling about this situation is why do the Clintons still retain the power that they do? With all we now know about them, all that has come out, why are they still able to intimidate anyone who would speak out against them. It seems like if you want a political career in the Democratic party, you  must be pro-Clinton.

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