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Bad For Alabama, Bad For America: Radical Doug Jones Was Disturbingly Silent On This KEY Issue!

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Democrat Doug Jones was asked in an interview if he could reassure voters that he did not want to take their guns but spoke to other topics without ever answering the question.
Politico was contrasting the difference in Republican Roy Moore voters versus Jones voters, and how one of the dividing issues is the Second Amendment.

In addressing the difficulty of overcoming Moore’s appeal to pro-gun voters, Politico asked, “How can you reassure [Moore] supporters that you are not out to take away their religious freedom or their guns, their culture?”

Jones responded by seizing on the word “culture,” saying, “When you talk about their Christian beliefs and stuff, that’s one thing, but when you talk about their culture, I’m not sure what you mean by that. If culture means that you have to put down people, if your culture means that you would discriminate against somebody, that you would not treat anybody in the same way that Christ would do, then I’m not going to protect that.”

He continued to elaborate on culture but never said a word about guns.

The things Jones has said about guns are not encouraging for gun owners. For one thing, he supports expanding background checks to gun shows. The Washington Post reported Jones saying that expanding background checks to gun shows “would be helpful.”

Jones’ support of gun control is understandable when you grasp his overarching belief that the Second Amendment has “limitations.”  The Alabama Political Reporter quoted Jones saying, “We’ve got limitations on all constitutional amendments in one form or another.” Such a position opens the door to government regulation of every right in the Bill of Rights, including the Second Amendment.

Via Breitbart

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