

DNC Mega-Donor Jumps Ship and CALLS THEM OUT — ‘Democratic Party Has Become Corrupt’

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Big news out of Florida today where mega-donor and potential Dem candidate for governor John Morgan announced that he’s done with the party:

Morgan was leading the polls as a Dem in the 2018 governor’s race:

And when asked by Politico FL’s Matt Dixon if he’ll help raise money for groups like the DNC, Morgan replied, “Fuck no. That’s like pissing money down a rat hole. Read Donna Brazil’s [sic] book.” A second message to Dixon he called the DNC a “Bunch of dumbass political hacks” and “Broke with DNC credit card”:

Over to you DNC Chair Tom Perez:

Don’t count out Morgan, who has been a champion of medical marijuana in the state, as an independent:

Via Twitchy

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