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FLOODGATES OPEN: Why ‘Biden 2020’ Would Be The Biggest Sex Scandal Yet For Democrats…

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Rumors are circulating about former Vice President “Uncle” Joe Biden’s potential run for president in 2020, and the HuffPost — a major news source for the left — has made a case against such a scenario, citing the potential for massive backlash in the wake of mounting allegations against men who behave inappropriately.

“From former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly to producer Harvey Weinstein to comedian Louis C.K., men are losing their jobs after years of having sexually harassed or assaulted women with impunity,” the HuffPost wrote. “Biden is the wrong guy to bear the standard of any party purporting to speak for the victims of unaccountable power.”

Biden, adoringly referred to as “Uncle Joe” by many Americans, has long been a champion of women’s rights. And while he may have good intentions, perception is reality.

On Tuesday, Biden said, “I’m not closing the door. I’ve been around too long, and I’m a great respecter of fate, but who knows what the situation is going to be a year and a half from now?”

However, the HuffPost noted, “His behavior also had more patronizing undercurrents. A big part of his act was remarking on the attractiveness of women, young and old. He would comment on how pretty young women were and warn their fathers to keep the guys away.”

While some people found this charming, others found it to be lesser so. “But it’s clear some people were uncomfortable,” the HuffPost wrote. “The teenage daughter of Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), for example, visibly cringed and pulled away when Biden whispered in her ear and kissed her on the head”:

Another example cited was in 2015, when Biden put his hands on Defense Secretary Ash Carter’s wife at Carter’s swearing-in ceremony. “People noticed how uncomfortable the moment looked.”

That same year, the Washington Examiner’s Byron York wrote, “Biden’s behavior gives critics plenty of ammunition and puts supporters in a difficult position. Why is that kind of stuff OK when the vice president does it and cringe-making when it’s the overly-friendly guy in the office?”

The HuffPost also noted that New York magazine created a slideshow of awkward Biden moments called, “9 Times Joe Biden Creepily Whispered in Women’s Ears.”

The publication also recalled how when now-retired Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) won the Democratic Party’s Senate primary, Biden hand-delivered a dozen red roses to her with the note “Welcome to the Senate Judiciary Committee.” The media reported that Biden had tried to “woo” and “court” Boxer but was “scorned” after Boxer’s decision not to join the committee.

With sexual harassment charges surfacing from women against men throughout the nation, Biden must ultimately ask if a potential run in 2020 is worth the risk of forever branding himself alongside men who will be remembered as predators, instead of being remembered for his achievements.

The entire HuffPost piece is here.


h/t Breitbart

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