
TRAITOR ALERT: Someone At the Department of Defense Just Tweeted NASTY Comments About President Trump

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Someone is getting fired.

A tweet that was sent out from the official Defense Department account attacked everyone from Al Franken to President Trump – and the leader of the free world is reportedly NOT happy.

From Conservative Tribune:

““The solution is simple,” the tweet read. “Roy Moore: Step down from the race. Al Franken: Resign from congress. Donald Trump: Resign from the presidency. GOP: Stop making sexual assault a partisan issue. It’s a crime as is your hypocrisy.”

After being reposted on the Department of Defense’s official account, it was quickly deleted and blamed on an error.

The only error here is how someone would have access to the account, and given free reign to write whatever they wanted. Publicly attacking the president from an official government account? Someone better be heading to the unemployment line…

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