
Donald Trump To Make MAJOR STATEMENT Upon Return To White House, You WON’T Want To Miss It

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President Trump announced on the last day of his 12-day long Asia trip he will make a “major statement” from the White House upon his return. He did not disclose any details about what the announcement is about, saying the time and date is still to be determined.

“I will be making a major statement from the @WhiteHouse upon my return to D.C. Time and date to be set,” Trump tweeted Tuesday.

The announcement comes after President Trump met with top leaders in Japan, South Korea and China about North Korea’s ongoing nuclear threats against the United States and its allies.

“All responsible nations must join forces to isolate the brutal regime of North Korea, to deny it and any form, any form of it,” Trump said during a speech in China.

In recent days, President Trump has attended a series of economic conferences in Vietnam and the Philippines, arguing trade deals of the future must be more fair and beneficial to the American economy. His trip to the region is the longest by any American president since 1992.

Domestically, Trump administration officials have been working to push tax reform in the Senate.

Via Townhall

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