

Thousands Plan On Joining NFL Boycott Over Veterans Day Weekend – Ratings Predicted To Hit All-Time Low

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One Facebook group, with approximately 200,000 followers announced that they stand in “solidarity with veterans around the country.”

“We will be not be watching or listening to NFL games on November 12th in solidarity with veterans around the country, as football players have continued to disrespect the national anthem, the American flag, and everything our nation stands for,” wrote the Facebook page.

Many people are planning to boycott the NFL over the Veterans Day weekend.

One Facebook group, with approximately 200,000 followers announced that they stand in “solidarity with veterans around the country.”

“We will be not be watching or listening to NFL games on November 12th in solidarity with veterans around the country, as football players have continued to disrespect the national anthem, the American flag, and everything our nation stands for,” wrote the Facebook page.

“Until millionaire football players stop protesting the National Anthem of the United States, we’ll be here,” the page continued.

People who support the boycott also weighed in on the Facebook page.

“I refuse to participate in an event that disrespects the United States of America. I despise anyone who disrespects those that have fought and those that gave their lives for our freedom. Keep taking a knee NFL and you will lose what fans you have left,” one user wrote.

“Enough is enough. Politics and sports do not mix. This is a reminder of the Olympics boycotts in the 70’s. Not the proper forum for protests. Fans cannot relate to million-dollar crybabies. Get back to the work of entertainment,” another continued.

Colin Kaepernick, former San Francisco 49ers quarterback who started the protests, is still without a job as nobody wants to sign him. The NFL is often in the headlines as the players continue to protests and many fans don’t appreciate.

Decreasing ratings and ticket sales came as a result of this controversy, so many sponsors like Papa John’s pizza company have left the league.

There are also calls to boycott NFL over the Veterans day weekend on Twitter.

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Via ConservativeFighters

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