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EPIC: Trump Wasted No Time SLAMMING Hillary And The DNC After Their Dirty Secret Was EXPOSED…GO TRUMP!

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Former Interim Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee Donna Brazile publicly announced a major scandal within the DNC and Hillary campaign.

In an excerpt from her new book made available to Politico, Brazile claimed that the DNC’s shoddy finances led to a co-dependent relationship with the Clinton campaign that virtually guaranteed her primary win a year before there was even a vote.

These explosive accusations have been corroborated by the likes of former vice chair of the DNC Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (R-HI), who stated:

“The deep financial debt, closed-door decision-making, complete lack of transparency, and unethical practices are now front and center.”

Now, it’s President Trump’s turn. True to form, he didn’t hold back, blasting the DNC and calling on Jeff Sessions’ Department of Justice to start investigating the matter:

Trump followed up his Tweetstorm with more Friday morning, listing all of the DNC’s recent scandals and imploring the DOJ to do something:


This scandal is so big that the media can’t possibly spin it into something anti-Trump without making a Democrat look very bad.

SHARE Trump’s message out far and wide before the media buries it!


Via (LibertyWriters)

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