

Crooked Hillary is NERVOUS — Rep Trey Gowdy Just DESTROYED Comey For His LIES In Clinton Email Scandal

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The fiery Congressman from South Carolina Trey Gowdy is apparently less than impressed with the time line presented by former FBI director James Comey.

Fox News reported that information that has recently come to light has caused the Congressman to question just what Comey’s thought process was in regards to arriving at the conclusion that Hillary was innocent of wrongdoing prior to even questioning her.

“Whenever somebody decides to charge someone, there are lots of layers of scrutiny. When you decide not to charge someone, there aren’t that many layers of scrutiny but there ought to be at least a couple,” Gowdy said

The Fox News report stated that “According to Gowdy, the timeline of events and some of Comey’s decisions along the way did not appear to add up. He was referring to Comey’s statement during his June congressional testimony in which he said the tarmac meeting between former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton encouraged him to announce his findings in the email investigation.”

Gowdy went on to say that

“His (Comey’s) ostensible reason for taking that decision away from the Department of Justice was that meeting on the tarmac but yet a month and a half earlier he is memorializing a decision he’s already made so the chronology does not add up,” Gowdy said. “His answers have been all over the map.”

Gowdy’s statements echo concerns expressed by many Conservatives recently and are hopefully indicative of Congress actually taking action in regards to getting to the bottom of the Clinton/Comey relationship.

It also appears as if Comey isn’t the only one that Gowdy would like to question under oath. During an interview with Brett Bair of Fox “Gowdy also told the Fox News anchor that he not only wants to talk to Comey, but also plans to speak to his former colleagues”

Bringing those who are veritably responsible for failed attempts to rig the 2016 election and attempting to ensure that those accusable of such acts elude justice should have been a primary pursuit of this Congress. Instead America has been forced to endure the ramblings and rantings of not only failed candidate Hillary Clinton but the likes of Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren and Chuck Schumer to name but a few.

It’s time to end the Kabuki theater that Congress has performed all of 2017 and begin to clear away the remaining criminal elements of the Democratic Party, the American people know it, Congress knows it, and the guilty know it, which is why they shriek and holler and put on their “Impeach Trump” charades in hopes that enough time will pass that they can slither away unaffected by and unfamiliar with justice.





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