
Donald Trump Takes The Stage, Tells Dems The Wall WILL BE FUNDED As Part Of Any DACA Deal – Liberals Are Freaking Out

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President Donald Trump restated his support for wall funding, telling reporters on Monday that it would be part of any deal with Democrats to legalize illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children.

“We need a wall in this country. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it,” Trump said during a press conference with Mitch McConnell on Monday. “We need a wall and that will be part of it.”

Trump was asked by ABC’s Jon Karl if he would insist that wall funding would be part of a deal with Democrats to provide a solution for DACA recipients.

The president pointed out that Mexico was “not doing particularly well” on stopping drugs and illegal immigration from coming into the United States, which was why it was a priority.

Trump also spoke about the wall during a cabinet meeting at the White House.

“We have a very good relationship with Mexico but there are a lot of problems, and we don’t want the drugs and we don’t want the crime, but we need the wall,” he said.

He also signaled his opposition to “chain migration,”

Recently, we’ve asked Congress to ensure that any proposed immigration reform ends chain migration,” he said. “It’s critical for creating a system that puts American workers and the American taxpayer first.”

Via (Breitbart)

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