
Michalle Obama Is Trying DESPERATELY To Keep This Damning Video From Going Viral

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Some might say this is no big deal really, beyond demonstrating once against just how hypocritical Democrats can be.

But, for Michelle Obama, being exposed (again) as a hypocrite is the least of her worries.

From The Daily Wire:

Scandal rocked Hollywood last Thursday as bombshell allegations made against Harvey Weinstein in The New York Times led to his termination at his own company and set off a chain reaction that is exposing many in Hollywood and Washington, D.C., including the former First Lady Michelle Obama, who once lauded Weinstein.

Now, it’s no secret that Weinstein was connected to a lot of top Democrats, including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

But Michelle really went the extra mile on Weinstein’s behalf, and as such is now in pretty big trouble.

The report continues:

As allegations continue to mount and the outlook for Weinstein becomes more dire, a video of Michelle Obama gushing over Weinstein in 2013 at a student film symposium has come to light.

Here’s a partial transcript of that address by Michelle:

I want to start by thanking Harvey Weinstein for organizing this amazing day. This is possible because of Harvey. He is a wonderful human being, a good friend and just a powerhouse.

And the fact that he and his team took the time to make this happen for all of you should say something not about me or about this place, but about you.

And, here she is saying it in person:

Now, to the meat of the issue.

Michelle Obama still has political aspirations. Her husband still has political aspirations, some via her success.

There’s even been talk of Michelle running for president one day.

With that in mind, remember how Democrats smeared President Trump for a sexist locker room joke he made decades ago? In fact, they’re still trotting it out to “prove” that Trump’s anti-women.

Democrats better believe we’ll be keeping this little performance by Michelle queued up for the very moment she tries running for any office.

Because Michelle exposed herself as either WAY more anti-women than Trump, or as a fool who can’t decipher the true nature of even her close friends.

(via: Conservative Post)

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