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You Won’t BELIEVE This Viral Tweet About Hillary That Has Republicans FLIPPING OUT!

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Hillary Clinton’s in the news yet again, but this time, she might be wishing she’d kept things a little more under wraps.

Now, the upsetting part of this story is that Hillary Clinton’s apparently in talks to become a professor at Columbia University.

Yes, you read that correctly.

The woman who’s mental stability has become more and more questionable over the past couple years could soon be teaching your children.

Of course, that would be par for the course today as far as the education level at American universities is concerned.

From the New York Daily News:

The former U.S. Secretary of State and presidential nominee is in talks with Columbia University to take on a formal role at the Ivy League — and potentially house her archives there, multiple sources told the Daily News.

One option under discussion is an esteemed “University Professor” role that would allow Clinton to lecture across a range of schools and departments without the requirement of a strict course load, one source said.

A former law professor, Clinton could maintain the vaunted but vague role indefinitely or decide at a later date she wants to settle at Columbia’s celebrated law school or maybe the School of International and Public Affairs, the source said.

Naturally, conservatives were outraged by this.

But it was commentator Laura Ingraham who perhaps had the best response:

(via: Conservative Post)

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