
Trump About to Add 9 More Countries to Travel Ban And The Left is FREAKING OUT!

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Continuing with its efforts to prioritize national security, the Trump administration is considering adding nine additional countries to its travel ban, according to the Washington Examiner.

The current travel ban lists six countries — Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen — from areas engulfed in terrorist activities and bars refugees from coming to the U.S. for 120 days.

With the current policy set to expire Sept. 24, the administration is preparing to present a new travel ban that will reportedly include additional countries the administration believes poses a security threat to the U.S.

The Examiner reported that the Department of Homeland Security determined that 17 unnamed countries “have failed to meet U.S. standards for screening travelers,” adding that these countries have “ignored other government mandates.”

The Wall Street Journal reported roughly half of the 17 countries have made changes to adhere to U.S. security policies, but the other countries haven’t made any of the necessary changes.

While the remaining eight or nine countries won’t be completely barred from allowing its citizens to travel to the U.S., the administration is reportedly considering placing stricter visa bans and other restrictions on these nations.

(via: Western Journalism)

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