
Comey’s Worst Nightmare Has Come True, And There’s NOTHING He Can Do About It Now!

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But as noted by The New Time Times, the two have also agreed “to pursue matters as broad as the Obama Justice Department’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email case last year and the Trump campaign’s interactions with Russia to better understand Mr. Comey’s abrupt removal.”

Regarding the two agents he hopes to interview, Grassley believes they “could provide key insight into Mr. Comey’s handling of the Clinton email case, his interactions with Mr. Trump and his ultimate firing,” according to the Times.

The agents, James Rybicki and Carl Ghattas, reportedly worked alongside Comey during his 4-year tenure at the FBI and may be aware of actions by Comey that haven’t yet been uncovered.

Thanks to the Senate Judiciary Committee’s outstanding investigative work, we now know that Comey decided to prepare an exoneration statement for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton months before the agency’s investigation into her email habits had concluded.

“(I)t appears that in April or early May of 2016, Mr. Comey had already decided he would issue a statement exonerating Secretary Clinton,” Grassley and fellow committee member Sen. Lindsey Graham wrote in a letter earlier this month to FBI Director Christopher Wray.

“That was long before FBI agents finished their work,” they added. “Mr. Comey even circulated an early draft statement to select members of senior FBI leadership.”

Now just imagine what sort of incriminating information about Comey that Grassley’s team might uncover when they interview his former FBI partners.

If I were Comey, I’d be scared right now. He’s already been outed as a liar and a hack. He could be outed as a criminal as well.

(via: Conservative Tribune)

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