
CNN Cuts Short Segment After Panelist Expresses Love For ‘First Amendment and Boobs’

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CNN’s Brooke Baldwin ended a segment Friday after a panelist expressed his love for the “First Amendment and boobs.”

“I’m a first amendment absolutist and believe in two things completely — the First Amendment and boobs,” Fox Sports Radio’s Clay Travis said.

Baldwin asked the panelist what he meant, not sure if he said “boobs” or “booze.”

“You don’t love boobs, too?”

“I’m not talking about that on television because it’s irrelevant to the topic. It shouldn’t be brought up here,” former ESPN editor Keith Reed responded.

“Why not?” Travis asked.

“I’m a supporter of women in their careers. I’m a supporter and a stark supporter of women like Brooke who have shared the airwaves before,” Reed said.

Eventually, Baldwin had enough.

“I’m done. I’m sorry. I’m done,” Baldwin said.

“This conversation is over.”

(via: Daily Caller)

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