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Obama Steps Up To Create ‘Obama Foundation’ After Clinton Foundation Was Shut Down – UGH!

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It’s only been a couple months since the Clinton Foundation was shut down and already the world seems a bit brighter. Well, it did, anyways, until today.

Now ex-President Barack Obama is falling in his mentor’s footsteps and launching the first ever Obama Foundation Summit.

The summit is happening in Chicago and will be a meeting of Obama’s buddies and “community organizers” to strategize on how they should direct the world going forward.

Obama actually announced his own summit, saying:

“In the weeks and months ahead, we’ll be kicking off more initiatives and opportunities for people like you to get involved with the Obama Foundation’s mission.”

“That mission is simple: We want to inspire and empower people to change the world.”

One of the big projects they are planning on working on this year is called “training days.” These days are essentially a way for Obama and his buddies to hijack the directionless leftist Millennials and use them for their own bidding. Don’t believe me? Their own official reason for the days was to ‘teach young people how to put civics into action where they live.’

I think pretty much every sane, rational American realizes now that Obama divided our country in ways we never thought possible. Is it really a good idea to let him follow in the footsteps of Bill and Hillary Clinton and start his little initiative? Does America really need President Michelle Obama?

If y’all don’t wanna see that happen, then help stop it by sharing this out and make people aware of what’s going on behind the scenes.

(via: Liberty Writers)

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