
The Mayor of Seattle Was Forced to RESIGN Over a Sex Scandal With Underage Boy – Why The Media is Covering It Up!

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When a scandal hits the Republican party you will hear about it for weeks, months, even years. However, when a top Democrat, the Mayor of Seattle, if forced to resign in disgrace over FIVE underage sexual assault accusers nobody makes a sound.

Well, folks, that’s exactly what happened yesterday when Seattle Mayor Ed Murray announced his resignation.

This time the victim was Murray’s own cousin, Joseph Dyer. Mr Dyrer revealed that Murray had sexually assaulted him when he was only 13 years old and Murray was in his mid 20’s.

One of his other victims, Lloyd Anderson, was reportedly happy that Murray finally was forced to resign but sad that it took 5 young boys being sexually abused by a respected Democrat Mayor for it to happen.

“I wonder how many other victims are out there,” Anderson said.

Murray denies the allegations, but the more that come out over decades and from people close to him, the more they seem to hold weight. Now with his resignation, it’s hard not to take the side of the victims.

This is the kind of filth allowed to prosper in the Democrat Party. Perverts like Ed Murray and Anthony Weiner have shown how dangerous they can be. It’s up to us to expose them by sharing this out to everyone everywhere so they see what’s REALLY going on behind the scenes.

(via: Liberty Writers)

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