
Muslim Who LIED About Trump Supporter Attack SENTENCED Finally!

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The New York student, Yasmin Seweid who claimed to have been attacked by Trump supporters at a subway has finally been sentenced in court. The story that made international news and was the catalyst for the ongoing media attacks against Donald Trump and his supporters was completely false. She admitted lying to the police about it because she had “missed her curfew.”

And what kind of sentence do you think this Liberal Muslim, the darling of the left, this symbol of the fight against “racist white men” got? Three days community service!?!?!

Apparently, three days helping kids play basketball is now a suitable punishment for brandishing race hate and stirring up a complicit and all too eager media. She will, of course, after attending “counseling” have no criminal record.

Has there been a single credible incident that can be traced back to the “hatred caused by Trump’s election?” And why are the media getting a free pass on this? It was reported worldwide by every major paper as a sign of the rampant racism that has infested America, why are none of the same papers covering the fact that she lied about the whole thing? Nothing but rank hypocrisy!

Read my column here about this case — read the whole thing. I said from the beginning that Yasmin Seweid made the whole thing up, but the enemedia could not get enough of her story. A Muslim teen said she was “verbally abused on a NY train” by “islamophobic Trump” supporters. It was worldwide news. No one in the media questioned all the holes in her story.

Yasmin and her brother Abdoul were featured together in NY Newsday talking about the “pigs” who attacked her and the cowardly witnesses who sat idly by. Yet no witnesses ever came forward and no surveillance video corroborated her story, which supposedly happened on the platform and in the train car of a post-9/11 New York City subway station.

Ironically, it was also NY Newsday that reported the police charges against Abdoul from a few years earlier. Allegedly, Abdoul Seweid and his friends were involved in some serious criminal activity that Abdoul tried to cover by blaming the involvement of “three unknown males.”

Did Newsday ask police the tough questions? Did The NY Times? Apparently not, but they reported Yasmin’s story as fact, anyway.

Now they are exposed, and Yasmin has pleaded guilty in court to making up the whole thing.

“Muslim college student who lied about Trump supporter subway attack pleads guilty,” by Shayna Jacobs and Jefferson Siegel, New York Daily News, September 8, 2017:

The Muslim college student who lied to cops about getting attacked on the subway by drunken Trump supporters took a plea deal on Friday.

Yasmin Seweid, 19, copped to falsely reporting an incident and disorderly conduct for the bogus claim.

Seweid, of New Hyde Park, L.I., said hate-filled white men harassed her and tried to snatch the hijab off her head during an encounter on the No. 6 train on Dec. 1.

Seweid previously admitted she wasted police resources to cover up for her missed curfew.

She must go through six months of counseling and complete three days of community service.

If Seweid fulfills the terms of her deal, the top charge against her will be tossed and she’ll be left with just a violation….

(via: FreedomsFinalStand)

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