
Actor Mark Ruffalo Marches On DC To DEMAND Trump Be Removed From Office

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Actor and activist Mark Ruffalo joined protesters on Thursday marching from Charlottesville, Virginia, to Washington, DC., in an organized ten-day “March to Confront White Supremacy.”
“Heading to Culpeper. Marching 18 miles today alongside these beautiful people,” Ruffalo wrote on Twitter. “We the people have the power.”

“Marching into Trump Country to confront white supremacy,” the actor later wrote in an Instagram post.

The Cville 2 DC March is in response to the violence that broke out in Charlottesville, Virginia, during a “Unite the Right” white nationalist protest this month. The protests culminated in the death of 32-year-old Heather Heyer. President Trump repeatedly condemned the white supremacist protesters and the “egregious display of hatred” and violence that broke out in Charlottesville.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the Department of Justice had “commenced a federal investigation” into the rally and the actions of James Fields Jr., the driver of the car attack that killed Heyer and injured at least 16 others.

In a lengthy message posted to his Twitter account, the Avengers star said he’s “marching because a central demand of this march is for Donald Trump to be removed from office following his statement supporting white supremacists and neo-Nazis.”

The Cville 2 DC March was organized by the People’s Consortium for Human and Civil Rights, the same group that helped organize the rally in support of Colin Kaepernick this month in front of NFL headquarters in New York City.

The march organizers are also calling for Trump’s removal from office.

“This is the time for us to stand up for justice and equality. This is the time to confront white supremacy in our government and throughout our history,” the organizers’ website reads. “We demand that President Trump to be removed from office for allying himself with this ideology of hate and we demand an agenda that repairs the damage it’s done to our country and its people.”

Ruffalo has been a regular voice of opposition to Trump, joining left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore in a massive protest this month outside of Trump Tower in New York City.

(via: Breitbart)

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