

A Senator Just Questioned Trump’s ‘Competence,’ and Sarah Sanders DESTROYED Him With Her Response

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White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders ripped Republican Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker’s questioning of Trump’s “stability” and “competence” on Thursday, calling Corker’s claim “ridiculous and outrageous.”

Corker, who has been one of the more supportive voices of Trump in the Senate, raised questions about Trump’s competence last week in the wake of the president’s comments on the violence in Charlottesville.

“He recently has not demonstrated that he understands the character of our nation — what has made it great and what it is today. He’s got to demonstrate the characteristics of a president who understands that. Without those things happening, our nation is going to go through great peril,” Corker said of Trump.

“The president has not yet been able to demonstrate the stability, nor some of the competence, that he needs to demonstrate in order for him to be successful — and our nation and our world needs for him to be successful, whether you are Republican or Democrat,” Corker added.

Asked about Corker’s claim at the White House press briefing, Sanders kept her answer brief.

“I think that’s a ridiculous and outrageous claim and doesn’t dignify a response from this podium,” Sanders said.

(via: Daily Caller)

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