
This Missouri Senator Called For the ASSASSINATION of President Trump

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A Democratic state lawmaker in Missouri posted a now-deleted comment on Facebook expressing hope that the president would be assassinated.

It all started with a post from Missouri Democrat State Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal on her personal Facebook page, where she voiced her disgust at President Trump and claimed he was “causing trauma and nightmares.” Someone by the name of Christoper Gagne commented that he was thinking about his cousin, who worked for the Secret Service under Barack Obama for four years and has to spend two more protecting President Trump. Gagne then wrote cryptically, “But, what I posted earlier, I truly believe will happen, sooner…rather than later.”

Gagne proceeded to quip, “I’ll probably get a visit from the Secret Service smdh.”

Chappelle-Nadal stupidly decided to reply with the following comment: “No. I will. I hope Trump is assassinated!”

She eventually deleted her comment and told The Kansas City Star, “The way I responded this morning was wrong.”

“I’m frustrated,” Chappelle-Nadal said. “Did I mean the statement? No. Am I frustrated? Absolutely. The president is causing damage. He’s causing hate.”

Gagne is claiming that his comments were regarding the 25th Amendment being invoked to oust Trump from power, not assassination.

Naturally, the Secret Service is investigating Chappelle-Nadal’s comment. The state senator is facing calls from within her own party to resign, via the Star:

McCaskill, a Democrat, released a statement on Chappelle-Nadal’s comment, saying “I condemn it. It’s outrageous. And she should resign.”

Stephen Webber, chairman of the Missouri Democratic Party, agreed that Chappelle-Nadal should resign.

“State Sen. Chappelle-Nadal’s comments are indefensible,” Webber said. “All sides need to agree that there is no room for suggestions of political violence in America — and the Missouri Democratic Party will absolutely not tolerate calls for the assassination of the president. I believe she should resign.”

However, Chappelle-Nadal is refusing to resign, as she simply responded “Hell, no!” when asked if she would step down.

Here’s the screenshot of the thread in which Chapelle-Nadal hoped for Trump’s assassination:

H/T: Daily Caller

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