
Rosie O’Donnell Says ALL Trump Supporters Are Nazis

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Actress and longtime Donald Trump nemesis Rosie O’Donnell lashed out at the president once more on Tuesday, taking to her Twitter account to say that anyone who “stands” with or “works” with Trump in any capacity is a “Nazi.”

The 55-year-old comedian posted several messages on her social media account Tuesday afternoon in an apparent response to a press conference called by Trump in which the president denounced the media’s coverage of Saturday’s deadly attack at a Charlottesville political protest, at which a woman was killed and 19 others injured after a man deliberately drove a car into a crowd.

“[R]epublicans – this is on you – every singe one of you who stand by this madman – do something – denounce him – file articles of impeachment,” O’Donnell tweeted.

When asked whether that meant White House Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly was a “Nazi sympathizer” as well, O’Donnell replied in the affirmative.

“[I]f u stand next 2 and work with adolf trump – yes u f*cking are a nazi,” she replied.

In a press conference Tuesday afternoon, Trump defended his initial comments on the Charlottesville attack, which many in the media were quick to claim were insufficient in their denunciation of white supremacy and extremism.

“There was no way of making a correct statement that early,” the president said. “Unlike you and unlike the media, before I make a statement, I like to know the facts.”

The president also called the driver of the car in the attack “a disgrace to himself, his family, and this country,” and a “murderer.”

O’Donnell has feuded with Trump publicly for much of the last decade. In July, the comedian came under fire for promoting an online video game in which the user “kills” the president by dropping him off of various cliffs.

O’Donnell has also attacked First Lady Melania Trump and the president’s youngest son, Barron Trump.

(via: Breitbart)

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