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Ben Carson Stands FIRM Behind President Trump Amidst Chaotic Cabinet

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Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Dr. Ben Carson, who has been a background figure amid the hubbub surrounding the White House, recently gave an interview with the Washington Examiner. The retired neurosurgeon described his role in the administration and his relationship with the president.

Carson gave his thoughts on the President’s tweets, saying he was sympathetic and supportive of him:

“I think [the White House has] done well given the level of frustration. I mean, can you imagine you’ve been elected president and the only thing anyone wants to talk about is Russia? Can you imagine how frustrating that is?”

Image result for ben carson and donald trump together

“People say he’s wild with his tweets and things. I think he’s pretty restrained under the circumstances.”

This is in stark contrast to other Republican leaders who have been critical of President Trump’s favorite means of communicating with the American people. This includes the likes of Lindsey Graham:

and Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL):

When asked if he thought President Trump’s tweets were too reactionary, Carson simply said:

“I don’t know if you could say he reacts too much. I would just say he is, perhaps, more reactionary than I might be.”

Carson went on to describe his relationship with President Trump, who he speaks to every week:

“We’re philosophically very well aligned. He knows a lot about housing. It’s amazing how much he knows about it. But he’s also a very kind-hearted person. You may not see that sometimes because he’s reacting to things that other people are doing and saying. He sometimes reacts rather vigorously.”

Honestly, it’s great to hear someone in D.C. has the President’s back, especially after some Republicans have become so critical of him.

h/t (LibertyWriters)

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