
You Won’t BELIEVE What New White House Comm. Director Scaramucci Told CNN About ‘FAKE NEWS’!

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Newly appointed White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci told CNN that he wasn’t a fan of fake news during his first White House press briefing.

CNN’s Sara Murray asked Scaramucci if he would continue President Donald Trump’s tradition of denouncing select news outlets as “fake news.”

“I have empathy with journalists in terms of sometimes they’re going to get stories wrong, but I sort of don’t like the fake news,” Scaramucci said, recalling that he did some media work for Fox Business.

He also reminded reporters of CNN’s retraction of a false story featuring him and the ongoing Russia investigation.

“You know, you guys said something about me that was totally unfair and untrue, you retracted it and issued me an apology and I accepted the apology immediately,” he said.

Scaramucci said that it was clear that there was bias against Trump and his administration.

“There feels like there’s a little bit of media bias so what we hope we can do is deescalate that and turn that around and let’s the message from the president get out there to the American people,” he said.

(via: Breitbart)

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