
Trump Has ALREADY Made Borders 9% STRONGER…And It’s Only The Beginning

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On the southwest border of the United States, arrests of illegal aliens jumped a significant 9 percent in June, yet they remain a staggering 53 percent below the same time the previous year, reports The Daily Caller.

The United States Custom and Border Protection website reports that the agency made 21,659 total apprehensions in June 2017 which, compared to May’s total of 19,962, might seem like a turn for the worse. But compared to last June’s 45,722 arrests, it’s almost unbelievable.

“These numbers represent a 53 percent decrease as compared to June of 2016, and year-to-date totals for FY 2017 are 19 percent lower than the same period in FY 2016,” the agency stated, according to the Washington Examiner.

As The Daily Caller notes, the number of arrests of those attempting an illegal crossing into the United States can serve as a bellwether for the state of illegal immigration on the whole for a given time period — so the numbers are good news for President Donald Trump.

Once again, we see improvements to security to the country that we could never dream of during the eight-year administration of former president Barack Obama. They’re becoming a reality in the Trump era.

And, as an added bonus, with the uptick of arrests between May and June, even though overall apprehensions are down, Trump is still provided ammunition for the fight to secure his proposed Mexican-American border wall.

Although it’s probably fair to say that most Trump supporters still want to see a wall built regardless of comparative immigration improvements, it’s pretty incredible that the need for the wall is diminishing simply because of the president’s policies.

So, if the wall doesn’t exist yet, what is Trump doing that is causing this awesome trend?

He has been doing two things that really, as Trump fans, we almost take for granted now, but we really shouldn’t:

1. Tough rhetoric, intrinsically part of Trump’s persona.

2. Letting the men and women who work for this country do their jobs.

Keep it coming, Mr. Trump.

(via: Conservative Tribune)

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