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Trump Gets The LAST LAUGH As CNN Gets Ready To FIRE Their CEO Over FAKE NEWS About President

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Spewing fake news stories about President Trump has finally backfired and the CEO of CNN, Jeff Zucker, is paying the price.

The New York Post reports that AT&T is going to “neutralize” CNN President Jeff Zucker after it buys Time Warner.

“The telco has decided to make the move after CNN has come under fire in recent weeks for highly publicized missteps — including botched reports tied to the federal probe of possible collusion between President Trump’s campaign and Russia, according to three sources familiar with the thinking of AT&T brass.
The missteps — which also include a profane anti-Trump tweet by Reza Aslan, a CNN host — have made CNN too polarizing an asset for execs at the blue chip telecom giant, a source said.”

President Trump has been calling out CNN for their fake news for months and it looks like his efforts were not in vain.

CNN has been on an ethical decline ever since Zucker became president.  Under his lead, CNN has become a far-left network that harangues the right and praises the left, almost nonstop. “News” is secondary.

A recent Harvard study exposed just how biased the network has become.
“The Harvard researchers found CNN’s Trump coverage was 93 percent negative, 7 percent positive.”

“Trump’s coverage during his first 100 days set a new standard for negativity,” wrote the authors of the study.

The fact is, CNN is getting what it deserves. Viewers are sick of that network lying about our president and manipulating the truth. President Trump deserves better and so do the American people.

In the words of our wonderful President…


(via: Liberty Writers)

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