
Negative Liberal Media REFUSES To Report What This Republican Patriot Did!

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Vice President Mike Pence and lawmakers took a moment to support the victims of last week’s shooting at a congressional baseball game practice by donating blood on Capitol Hill Tuesday.

It is no surprise to see the Vice President doing this, as he often examples what Patriotism looks like for the everyday citizen. Also not surprising is the clear lack of media coverage that such service would generally merit. Clearly, the negative liberal media would hate to ever show that any Republican, especially the Vice President, could ever have a caring heart for others.

“@VP Pence donating blood & getting update on @SteveScalise during Capitol Hill blood drive to support those wounded in shooting last week,” tweeted Marc Lotter, Pence’s press secretary, along with a photo of the vice president.

Pence was on Capitol Hill Tuesday to participate in the Senate Republican policy lunch as the Senate looks to take up Obamacare’s repeal in the coming week.

Other lawmakers also tweeted out photos participating in the blood drive, including Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., who said, “Donating blood today at the blood drive on Capitol Hill for @SteveScalise, @CapitolPolice, and all victims of the #AlexandriaShooting.”

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