
Jeff Sessions Says It’s ‘Absolutely FALSE’ That He Communicated With Russia For President Trump

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During his appearance before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday Attorney General Jeff Sessions said it is “absolutely false” the he had ongoing communications with Russian officials as a surrogate for now-President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

Sessions made the remark after Sen. Jim Risch (R-ID) said that fired FBI Director James Comey said during his testimony before the committee last week that he “had very specific recollection” of not being able to find “a scintilla of evidence” of collusion between Trump and the Russians, and that the New York Times reporting to that end was false.

“There’s been no reports that I know of any factual information in that regard,” Risch said, adding that the committee had been through “thousands of pages of information” thus far.

“Are you aware of any such information?” Risch asked.

Sessions then cited a much-reported exchange during his January confirmation hearing when Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) asked him a question about a now discredited CNN report about a dossier containing allegations that the Russians had incriminating information on Trump.

“But you would know more than I,” Sessions said. “What was said that would suggest I participated in continuing communications with the Russians as a surrogate is absolutely false.”

(via: Breitbart)

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