
You Won’t BELIEVE This Obama ‘Hanger-On’ Who Is Planning a Run in 2020 – Trump Will DESTROY Him!

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Former Vice-President Joe Biden launched a political action committee this week– a first sign that Obama’s side-kick might run for president in 2020.

Joe Biden may be running in 2020. Source: Youtube, NBC

The political action committee- called American Possibilities PAC- will initially fundraise for democrats in midterm elections, but could also be used to set the stage for Biden’s own presidential campaign.

Although not mentioning President Trump, who he has criticized repeatedly, on the PAC’s website, he did take an indirect swipe at the president, writing:

“That’s why the negativity, the pettiness, the small-mindedness of our politics today drives me crazy. It’s not who we are.”

Biden is sounding pretty negative and petty himself, if you ask me!

Biden ran for president twice before, in 1988 and 2008, failing to secure a primary win both times. He opted not to run in 2016 but has often said that he regrets that decision. He is older than President Trump and would be a 77 year old president elect if he wins the race in 2020.

You can tell the Democrats are getting pretty desperate for a win when the best they can come up with is just another old Obama hanger-on.

I personally hope Biden does run, because President Trump will be able to beat him easily. Share this if you agree!

(via: Liberty Writers)

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