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North Korea Sends Direct Threat To U.S. – So Trump Sends Kim Jong Un a Message That Will SCARE Him To DEATH!

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Like all bullies, it seems like North Korean dictator Kim Jung-Un is just asking for it.

The official North Korean media has reported that a fourth U.S. citizen is now being held there.  Two others Americans are already serving time doing “hard labor.”  One is a 21-year-old University of Virginia student who was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor after a one hour trial.  For allegedly stealing a poster!


The other is a 62-year-old Korean-American man who was sentenced to 10 years in prison and hard labor.  He was accused of spying.

The now 4th American they are holding is the second staff member of Pyongyang University of Science and Technology to be detained in the past month.

Some believe that Kim Jong-Un is trying to force someone high up in the U.S. government, perhaps President Trump, to go over there to get them released.  Former Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter (notice the trend?) did just that to get some U.S. citizens released.

President Trump does not cave to the demands of bullies!

It obviously doesn’t do any good, since it’s been done and now looks what’s happening again!

Trump has already given Kim Jong-Un fair warning that he is not going to follow Obama, and other previous FAILED policies.  While he has said he might talk with N. Korea, it would only be under very specific circumstances, to discuss how N. Korea will give up they nuclear abilities and ballistic missiles.

Please SHARE this everywhere, to get our Americans back AND to show Trump we support his leadership!

(via: Liberty Writers)


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