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BREAKING: Congress Has Been Holding ‘Secret Meetings’ To Pull This DIRTY Move Against Trump – HORRIBLE News!

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A shocking report from the New Yorker just exposed how Democrats are planning to take Trump down.  An investigative reporter from the magazine found that members of Congress have been holding “secret meetings” to discuss how they plan to impeach our president.

The reporter, Evan Osnos, spoke to current members of the Senate, the House, and the intelligence services and found that a plan has has already been set in motion.

President Trump Congressional opponents are actively seeking to remove him from office via impeachment or declaring him mentally or physically unfit for office under the 25th Amendment.

“Democrats have already been able to rally nearly 50,000 mental-health professionals to sign a petition claiming Trump is “too seriously mentally ill to perform the duties of president and should be removed”.”

Under Section 4 of the 25th Amendment, a President can be removed from office if he is judged to be “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office” by the Vice-President and a majority of the Cabinet secretaries or by a congressionally appointed body, such as a panel of medical experts.

Democratic Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, the ranking Democrat on the Intelligence Committee, privately told friends that he puts the odds at two to one against Trump completing a full term.

Even though Republicans control the majority in Congress, many have already shown that they would roll over on our President in a heartbeat, especially due to his low approval numbers.

Democrats and RINO Republicans are mobilizing to take Trump down and their plans have now officially been exposed!

We need to show our support for President Trump now more than ever! We finally have a president who is fighting for the American people and we can NOT let the Washington elite take that from us!

Now is the time to fight!

(via: Liberty Writers)

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