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Murder Rates In Sanctuary Cities SKYROCKET – Baltimore, Chicago Mayors Are BEGGING For Trump’s Help Now!

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The tables sure have turned, and fast.

Less than a month ago, Baltimore was proudly adding itself to the growing list of “sanctuary cities” defying President Trump’s efforts to enforce US immigration laws.

Now, Mayor Catherine Pugh is BEGGING for federal assistance because “murder is out of control.”

From CBS Baltimore:

Baltimore’s mayor is asking for help from the FBI as the city struggles to contain a soaring murder rate.

“I’m calling on all the assistance we can possibly get because I can’t imagine going into our summer months with our crime rate where it is today, what that’s going to look like by the end of the summer,” Mayor Pugh said. “… Murder is out of control.”

Violence has reached a crisis level, with the number of killings shattering a 20-year high this early in the year.

Another major sanctuary city, Chicago, has experienced a similar worrying trend.

Already this year, Chicago has suffered nearly 200 criminal murders, despite having some of the harshest gun restrictions in the country.

(via: Conservative Post)

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