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You Won’t BELIEVE The Things Found in New Book That Details Hillary Clinton’s Failed Campaign

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A new book released this week, titled Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign, details the story behind Hillary Clinton’s failed presidential run against Donald Trump.

Written by The Hill’s Amie Parnes and Sidewire’s Jonathan Allen, the book is the first to investigate why Hillary Clinton’s bid for the presidency was unsuccessful.

The book makes a number of revelations about Clinton and what happened during her campaign. Here are a few of the book’s claims:

Hillary apologized to Obama after conceding to Trump – Shortly after calling Donald Trump to concede defeat, Clinton called Barack Obama and said simply, “Mr. President, I’m sorry. Clinton felt she had let herself, Obama, and the Democratic Party down. “Obama’s legacy and her dreams of the Presidency lay shattered at Donald Trump’s feet. This was on her,” the book reads.

Obama privately criticized Clinton’s use of a private email server – Despite refusing to condemn Clinton’s use of a private email server for classified material on the campaign trail, Obama reportedly believed it “amounted to political malpractice.”

Clinton admitted to an aide that she “engenders bad reactions from people” – The book claims that Clinton admitted that her personality did not appeal to many ordinary voters, a theory confirmed by her election defeat.

Her campaign was badly organized – The campaign lacked focus and had power decentralized, making it difficult to focus on particular issues. “Hillary distributed power so broadly that none of her aides or advisers had control of the whole apparatus,” the book claims.

Huma Abedin sheltered Clinton from criticism – The book alleges that vice campaign chair Huma Abedin would rarely criticize Clinton, and “couldn’t be counted on to relay constructive criticism to Hillary without pointing a finger at the critic.”

Clinton was allegedly dumbfounded by the 2016 election’s populist upswing and her lack of white working class support – Confounded by the success of her Democratic primary challenger Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, Clinton reportedly told her longtime confidant Minyon Moore during the Democratic primaries: “I do not understand what is happening in our country.” She also questioned her staff on her to attract support from the white working class. “Why aren’t they with me?” she said. “Why can’t we bring them on board?”

Obama reportedly urged a reluctant Clinton to concede – As Trump piled up wins in key battleground states, Clinton reportedly remained reluctant to concede the election. However, the book claims that Obama urged Clinton to declare defeat and not to “drag it out.” He allegedly reiterated this position to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, adding the importance of Clinton conceding with “dignity.”

(via: Breitbart)

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