
Teenagers Are Trying to Be Transgender Because It’s ‘Cool’, Says Gender Expert

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This is a sad and scary world we live in where mental disorders are being glorified by the culture so much so that it’s considered “cool” by today’s youth.

Via DailyWire

Gender expert and psychiatrist Dr. Stephen Stathis has issued a warning about the overdiagnoses of trans youths, claiming many of the children and teens he sees at his Australian-based gender clinic are not actually suffering from gender dysphoria, or transgenderism, but are instead trying to become trans because it’s trendy, wishing to gain attention from their peers. One such child told Stathis that transgenderism “is the new black.”

According to the psychiatrist, only a small minority of the youths at Brisbane’s Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital’s gender service will actually be diagnosed with gender dysphoria. By the time most of these struggling youths reach puberty, says Stathis, they will have grown out of their confusion and identify as their biological sex.

Stathis says a lot of those youths are “trying out being transgender” to be different from their peers and gain attention.

“One said to me, ‘Dr Steve … I want to be transgender, it’s the new black’,” said the doctor.

“You might get a six- or seven-year-old girl wanting to dress as a boy,” explained Stathis during a March interview. “She may even say she wants to be a boy. When she hits puberty, she says, ‘No, I’m just a girl who likes to do boy things.”

The psychiatrist also warned that other children and teens may claim to be transgender because of past trauma. For instance, Stathis said he’s seen young girls who have been sexually abused turn to transgenderism.

“The girls say, ‘If only I had been a male I wouldn’t have been abused,'” he said.

Being young and transgender has become the new hotness on the Left. The New York Times, for example, recently claimed it would be insane not to offer children suffering from gender confusion hormone therapy.

But this notion that we must pump Tomboys and gender-confused children with hormone blockers and therapies and eventually mutilate their bodies is cruel.

As outlined by Stathis and backed by much data, there is an incredibly high rate of children who aren’t actually suffering from transgenderism who believe they are, many of whom simply outgrow normal sex confusion. The transgender push, instead of helping marginalized youths, is actually creating victims.

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