
[VIDEO] FOX News Asks If Democrats Are Going to Ever Be ‘For Something,’ Or Just ‘Anti-Trump’

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From the network that did nothing but applaud Republicans for obstructing President Obama at every turn. Anyone ever remember any of these pundits over on the Fox “news” channel asking the same thing of Republicans for the last eight years?

There’s a special election in Georgia next week, and Samuel L. Jackson has cut an ad for the DCCC for Democrat Jon Ossoff, so naturally the knives were out over on the Trump propaganda channel.

Here’s Fox & Friends host Pete Hegseth, with an assist from his co-hosts Abby Huntsman and Jon Scott, attacking “Hollywood hater” Jackson, and bemoaning how terrible it is that the ad just attacks Trump, rather than stating what the party is for, and making the ridiculous leap that it also means the party doesn’t stand for anything.

SCOTT: There is election underway in Georgia to replace Tom Price, who obviously became Secretary of Health and Human Services and actor Samuel L. Jackson, the guy from Pulp Fiction, well, is he channeling that Pulp Fiction character in an anti-Trump radio ad. Listen.

JACKSON: Hi, I’m Samuel L. Jackson. There is special congressional election on April 18th. What can you do? Go vote. Your vote goes a long way towards setting things right in this country. Vote for the Democratic party. Stop Donald Trump, the man hone encourages racial and religious discrimination and sexism.

Remember what happened the last time people stayed at home. We got stuck with Trump. We have to channel the great vengeance and furious anger we have for this administration into votes at the ballot box. Do your friends and family a favor. Hell, do yourself a favor and vote on April 18th and make sure to vote for the Democratic party.

HUNTSMAN: Wow. Amazing how many actors have been outspoken this election cycle, but we saw the results of the election, right? I mean, that Hollywood, yes, they are very outspoken. They’ve got their opinions. And they have some sort of a following, but clearly not enough to impact elections.

HEGSETH: Yeah, I want all my political advice from Hollywood actors, and yet again here we get it down in Georgia. And this is really important preview. These are special election we can treat as political previews.

Did you hear anything about what the Democratic party is for, or what he is for, or about the election? It was top Trump because they’re sexist and they’re racist!

SCOTT: Great vengeance and political anger he says in that ad.

HEGSETH: That’s right. He’s trying too long motivate the base of progressives and Democrats to come out to vote they think that’s the trick going into mid-terms. We’ll see if they’re right or not.

HUNTSMAN: It’s a good point though about the mid-terms and how important these races are when it comes to the House and the Senate getting anything passed.

HEGSETH: Remember, we talked about the Democratic party, are they dong to have, are they going to sort of learn the lessons be for something, or just anti-Trump? And an ad like this certainly makes it look like it’s just anti-Trump. We’ll see.

(via: Crooks & Liars)

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